Saturday, January 8, 2011


Another month has come and goners and with it I have officially reached the half way point, well that is as of last Sunday.  Went to the doctors on Tuesday for the monthly check-up and again I can report that all is fine and dandy in my tummy.  As per other appointments, we also had the chance to listen to the little one's heart beat and it continues to beat loud and strong.  The doctor was laughing throughout this part as I guess the little one was shakin 'n movin its thang which could be determined by the amount of background noise.  Most frustrating part is that I still can't feel anything; at least, I don't think I can.  There may have been a time on Wednesday night that I was feeling some fluttering but I remain clueless in that department so am not totally sure.
Prior to the doctors appointment we went to Body Worlds finally and were able to see the fetus and different stages throughout the pregnancy which was kind of neat.  It is funny what you notice there at different stages of your life.  Ted did not remember and I only vaguely remember the stages of the fetus at the last Body Worlds.

I have to say that I made some people in the family very proud today; okay well maybe not but I am sure they will all have some comments.  Those that know me well, know my lack of fashion sense and my desire to be more comfortable then stylish which often falls under the less feminine category.  Of course a major part of that category is having the good bra's that not only fit but look good I guess.  Well, guess what I did today...I went and had a visit the bra fitting expert, yep I finally did it, of course my mom had to direct me but that is not the point.  Well I knew this chest of mine was growing but my golly it has exploded I tell ya.  Honestly, A cup to D cup in the matter of months.....whoooooaaaaa!!!!!  I know you all wanted to know that, but I have to say when you have never had a chest before, the experience of having one is something else :)

The hunger pangs have been hitting me hard and furiously but the cravings have diminished.  I swear the only thing I can ever come up with that I want is something chocolatey....mmmmm chocolate.  Other than that though, I am at a loss as to what I want to eat.  For those of you that have ever had to endure the experience of me choosing what I want will know this can be very painful and have to know that it is even worse right now.

It is getting tough realizing how many things I can't do while pregnant.  Wait now, don't get me wrong, I would trade it for anything but it still can be hard facing reality sometimes.  Hockey is gone, soccer is gone, no skiing during a glorious winter and I guess no snow-shoeing trip with the gang from work next weekend :(  I am also coming to terms with my work duties changing and not being able to help out when the kids get aggressive or that.  With this also meant no rec-group and also less chance of working on the other unit where I quite like it.  All I keep saying is c'est la vie, it is all worth the sacrifices and always will be.

I am pretty sure that I have blabbed away about a whole lot of nothing here so maybe I will bring this blog to an end and rejoin you all after the ultrasound on Thursday.

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