Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Magnificant Baby Bump Has Arrived

So time has passed and I am finally starting to look pregnant, or like I put on some weight.  During the 18th week it was like I suddenly burst and my tummy decided to POP.  You can see the difference between the two pictures I posted which are from just before the 18th week mark and the exact 19th week mark.  I am still able to wear the majority of my clothes but there are a few things that I have had to put on ice which makes it difficult to find stuff for work.  However; thanks to my mom and her shopping trips I have some comfy but nice clothes that will fit throughout.  To be honest though, these are clothes I would never have chosen for myself as I am such a creature of habit but I am quite enjoying wearing them and feeling kind of "stylish"...big word for me to use :)  They also let me show off the new bump, lol.

I must say that it is seriously crazy how much you change throughout the pregnancy.  In the first trimester I was feeling nauseous 24/7 and could not stay up past 10pm for the life of me.  Then the nausea all but disappears and the tiredness takes the same path so I get to return to the nights of having trouble sleeping.  I definitely still feel tired though, like I really want to sleep, but actually sleeping soundly for more than 3 hours at a time is virtually impossible for me.  Of course, with all these changes, the emotions like to get their turn to make an appearance and take me for a roller coaster ride; well I guess take us. 

I had bloodwork/screening done last week and got a phone call from the doc's office today which scared the shiat out of me.  Usually phone calls after bloodwork only come when  something is wrong so I got a little bit of a sick feeling in my stomach when I heard the message to call back right away.  Of course I did and all they wanted to tell me was that everything looks really good......can we saw sigh of relief?

No more hockey, no more soccer and no more involvement with aggressive kids or situations in which security may need to be called.  I have to admit that it is hard to sit in the office, watching stuff go down and my co-workers having to take the brunt of it.  I so badly want to go out there to help but realize that would not be the best option for anyone.

We came to the realization the other day that we are pretty much half way through the pregnancy and time is just flying by.  Guess the times of putting things off that have to do with preparing for a baby have to come to an end and actions need to start being taken.  We knew that we would have to get a new car soon but not as soon as we had hoped.  Looks like one will need to be purchased quite a bit in advance to the baby's arrival as the Green Golf is giving us new signs all the time that it wants to be put into retirement.

As many of you saw, Starscream (our cat) likes to chase Ted around and attack his bare legs. Well, unfortunately she has decided to give him a break and go after me.  Difference is though, I don't tease her like he does so still trying to figure out what her beef is. 

18 weeks
19 weeks

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