Wooheee, can't believe it has already been 3months since our little miracle angel came into this world. Like I have said time and time again, I wouldn't trade motherhood in for anything; I definitely think I have found my calling in life. Everyday there is a new joy brought to our lives courtesy of Jade in one way or another.
During the past few weeks, Jade has become more of an individual with her defining characteristics and great personality. Whether it being that she has discovered she has spit to make bubbles, or the constant rootin' tootin', or the random giggling, we always find a reason to laugh each day. We have come to the conclusion that most heart melting and greatest feeling in the world has to be when Jade looks at us and gets all giddy with a big smile on her face. There is also the little conversations to be had, the cooing back and forth with her, ohhhh, that is just amazing.
Jade continues to meet new people what seems to be every week. She had a great visit with Ted's cousin Deanna and her little guy Ian; then there was my cousin Riley and his buddy Derek; to Ed & Nina who visited with Oma & Opa; and more people from my work. Ian provided us with quite the learning experience in terms of what we need to do to childproof our place when Jade begins to roam around like him. He also provided us with one of the most adorable moments when he leaned in to give Jade a little kiss.
Then there was Riley whose initial reaction was "don't give me that thing" & was scared to hold her but quickly took a love to her and now disappears & has little conversations with her. He also now refers to her as the little diva, lol.
On a sadder note, not too sure what Jade is going to do when her Uncle Tim leaves for boot camp and she only has her dad's wookies to listen to. Now she'll have her Aunty Ashlee to go visit and Uncle Tim (& Rachel) down the road.
Of course, Grandma and Grandpa continue to spoil her and help us provide her with what she needs. It is pretty clear she recognizes them as well now as she smiles every time she sees them or when we say we are going over there.
As many saw by the pictures, Jade and I went to the Pride parade with my parents and loved every minute of it. Jade was definitely an object of affection for many as evidenced by all the free give-aways she got :). It is really neat to see my dad with Jade and just how she has stolen his heart; always the one to calm her down and also making sure she has everything to be safe.
As of August 5th, Jade was a whopping 9.5 lbs. She is following her 3rd percentile curve (apparently the majority of babies do not follow their curves as closely as she is) in terms of weight which means 97% of babies her age are bigger than her. She remains in the 20th percentile for height and is one very healthy little gal. The doc thinks she is going to be a little girl for life which you wouldn't think looking at Ted and I but in reality, both our mom's families would not be considered tall people outside of us and our siblings. Unfortunately the doctor does think we may have a few issues with Jade and that she does have something wrong...
Ok, ok, it was said in a sarcastic manner so the doc really thinks Jade is healthy :) Should I get to the point of this remark? Well, Jade enjoys to stretch out in the hammock of her little bath, even without water. Also, when the doctor is pushing on her legs to check her hips, Jade starts laughing which apparently all other babies break down into tears. Most humorous, well maybe disturbing to some, is the fact that when Ted was watching Game of Thrones, Jade got all giddy every time the dwarf came on the screen in the same manner she does when she sees the MMA fighters (oooh la la, sweaty and built men). She also tends to have a habit of giggling when she sees people are crying...uh oh.
Let's see, what has Jade done in the past month worth noting? Hmmmm, well she made it to her first B.C. Lions game which she was fairly good at but did get fussy near the end. However, despite that, we will try it again on Saturday night, especially since she seems to love watching the guys on t.v.
A milestone worth noting, she has rolled over once, ironically on Ashlee's birthday. She is able to identify Ted and I as well as able to follow objects. Very much like me, she is unable to remain still for any given length of time and thus is constantly movin and shakin those little arms and legs. Last Sunday night during a music exchanging session between my mom & Ted, they discovered Jade's extreme love for...none other than....Queen.
I know I have probably missed out on telling ya'all about our little angel but there is just so much to tell that it would take page upon page to get it all out. We continue to love every minute of our new family and just keep thinking about the future and all it has waiting for us.
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