Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Magnificant Baby Bump Has Arrived

So time has passed and I am finally starting to look pregnant, or like I put on some weight.  During the 18th week it was like I suddenly burst and my tummy decided to POP.  You can see the difference between the two pictures I posted which are from just before the 18th week mark and the exact 19th week mark.  I am still able to wear the majority of my clothes but there are a few things that I have had to put on ice which makes it difficult to find stuff for work.  However; thanks to my mom and her shopping trips I have some comfy but nice clothes that will fit throughout.  To be honest though, these are clothes I would never have chosen for myself as I am such a creature of habit but I am quite enjoying wearing them and feeling kind of "stylish"...big word for me to use :)  They also let me show off the new bump, lol.

I must say that it is seriously crazy how much you change throughout the pregnancy.  In the first trimester I was feeling nauseous 24/7 and could not stay up past 10pm for the life of me.  Then the nausea all but disappears and the tiredness takes the same path so I get to return to the nights of having trouble sleeping.  I definitely still feel tired though, like I really want to sleep, but actually sleeping soundly for more than 3 hours at a time is virtually impossible for me.  Of course, with all these changes, the emotions like to get their turn to make an appearance and take me for a roller coaster ride; well I guess take us. 

I had bloodwork/screening done last week and got a phone call from the doc's office today which scared the shiat out of me.  Usually phone calls after bloodwork only come when  something is wrong so I got a little bit of a sick feeling in my stomach when I heard the message to call back right away.  Of course I did and all they wanted to tell me was that everything looks really good......can we saw sigh of relief?

No more hockey, no more soccer and no more involvement with aggressive kids or situations in which security may need to be called.  I have to admit that it is hard to sit in the office, watching stuff go down and my co-workers having to take the brunt of it.  I so badly want to go out there to help but realize that would not be the best option for anyone.

We came to the realization the other day that we are pretty much half way through the pregnancy and time is just flying by.  Guess the times of putting things off that have to do with preparing for a baby have to come to an end and actions need to start being taken.  We knew that we would have to get a new car soon but not as soon as we had hoped.  Looks like one will need to be purchased quite a bit in advance to the baby's arrival as the Green Golf is giving us new signs all the time that it wants to be put into retirement.

As many of you saw, Starscream (our cat) likes to chase Ted around and attack his bare legs. Well, unfortunately she has decided to give him a break and go after me.  Difference is though, I don't tease her like he does so still trying to figure out what her beef is. 

18 weeks
19 weeks

Monday, December 6, 2010

16 Weeks...

So Friday had to have been one of the best days for us, especially Ted, in quite sometime.  We went to the doctor for the 4 month checkup to start the day and it got better from there.  Well actually it started off with me messing up the time of the appointment and being 20 min late but thankfully they were just fine with that and not mad at all.  I have to say though, I blame that on the pregnancy brain and to be honest with you all I kind of messed up the time of one of my shifts this past week (in a schedule that hasn't changed in eons, doh).  Neither of them were really bad mess ups just really dumb.  Anywho, to the more important things that you all want to know about...

The little one has a super strong heart beat and there was no issues hearing it rapidly beating away inside of me.  Guess all the blood work came back normal as there was no mention of it and my blood pressure was also good.  Overall, it looks like everything is progressing nicely and there are no concerns from the doctor.  Unrelated though, I did find out that I have popped a rib in my chest...doh.  No idea how I really did it but figure it was either from coughing when I was sick or maybe at the gym.  Needless to say, there is nothing one can do about it except rest and hope it goes back into place on its own, unless I want to go to a chiropractor which is not in my own personal options. 

Finally that nausea has subsided almost completely but not totally. I still do get some and it is mostly in the evening now.  But man, this peeing thing, having to do it so often is going to be the end of me, not to mention feeling like all I do is eat, eat, eat....oh what a life, lol, eat and pee.  Unfortunately though, now that I am not so tired, I am back to not being able to sleep which royally sucks.  I guess though, maybe I am just preparing my body for when the baby comes.  Other than the fact I am now showing with a wee baby bump, can't say that there is much else to report on the baby side of things. Oh, wait, thought of something...Thanks to Carla, I have been hooked up with some Whatchyamacalit (sp?) chocolate bars so my craving needs there are being met :).

Ted is now employed and working for Paladin security which is great.  Today is his first day of orientation but he does not have a schedule or idea of which area he will be working in  which I guess he will find out shortly.

Now we have to ask everyone to keep your fingers crossed for us as  Wednesday Ted has to do yet another phone hearing with our old landlord and all the crap she is dealing us.  AHHHHHHHH!!!!!  That lady is going to be the end of us!

Our cat continues to be as psychotic as ever, if not worse.  She now has taken to preventing Ted from getting to the couch on occasions and will outright attack him.  However, at times he has done something to her previously so I just consider it payback; but, sometimes it is uncalled for.

Hmmmmm.....I think that gives the update of things currently so I shall end this here.  I plan on revamping this thing and making it more exciting with other happenings but have not really got around to it yet.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I think one of the most common questions I get, and mostly from those who have not been pregnant, is do you have any weird cravings?

Well I wouldn't say I have any weird cravings, just more intense cravings that don't seem to go away no matter how much of the food I eat. 

So what are those cravings???  Well here are my most common ones...
  • dark chocolate
  • chocolate w/crunch (i.e. Twix, Crunch, Whatchemacallit [which is only in the states], pretzel M& M's)
  • Red Burrito
  • sour dinosaur gummies
  • garlic fries w/lots of vinegar
Nothing weird as you can see, just a variety and not always easy to get.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dating Ultrasound

November 6th, 2010 was probably went reality really hit us that we would be bringing a little one into this world.  We went for our first ultrasound and what an amazing experience that was.  To see this little baby moving around, kickin & a' shakin it's thang was more than we ever expected.  Had to laugh though that with all the movement this little one was doing and inability to lie still, we can already tell that this is one thing that he/she has inherited from Jaime.

The dating showed that on Saturday, Jaime was 11 wks and 6 days along which makes the new due date of May 22nd, 2011...looks like Jaime will have to celebrate her birthday on time this year.  The little one measured in at 52mm for the first measurement.

We have decided not to find out the sex of the baby and wait until the time of delivery to find that out; leave some element of surprise :)

Next appointment is in a month...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So we are 10 weeks along and figured we would start up a blog to keep everyone posted about how things are progressing.  I guess we will leave out the details of how conception occurred, or maybe not...it was a beautiful night in..okay, okay, we won't go there.  It all started to become apparent when Starscream laid her head on Jaime's stomach, something she has never done before.  The nausea has taken over Jaime, but she is continuing on with life as usual and not letting it stop her from doing our thang.  However, that is all about to change when she will no longer be allowed to play hockey or soccer....sacrifices that must be made for the greater good :).  Our first ultrasound is November 6th so getting excited about that :).  Anywho, we will end this post here and continue on in a few days.  Be sure to check back in the near future for any further updates or news or whatever else we may feel like sharing.