Wednesday, October 12, 2011

5 Months Already????

Yep, another month has passed us by and Jade continues to grow, not only physically but also personality.  Jade and I have had the opportunity to join a great program called Roots of Empathy/Seeds of Empathy where we go into classrooms in elementary school to meet with the kids.  It is  a program that has been shown to reduce levels of aggression in the kids while raising their social/emotional competence and increasing empathy.  We have gone into the classroom once and also but had the chance to take part in the instructor/facilitator training.  I must say Jade was perfect; she did everything she was supposed to do and wooed them all at the training :).  The first classroom visit was the day after her shots so she was a little fussy but still pretty good.

Jade is now able to roll over from her back to stomach and vice versa.  Once she makes it onto her stomach, she seems to like to stay there and push herself up with her arms.  Well that WAS what she liked, she now loves being on her back; guess she can see more from her back.  It is definitely only a matter of time before this kid is crawling and we are in big trouble when that happens.  Jade is soooooo curious and will no doubt be getting into everything she has access to. She is always grabbing things and often tries putting her hands into my food including my ice-cream.

Everyone always asks about sleep.....ummmm if that is something that happens for more the 3 or 4 hours a night on a consistent basis, I can't say I really know what that is.  This girl fights with all her might not to sleep during the day and thus naps are a very foreign concept.  If she does have a nap, it is cat nap; we still try to have some downtime though and lie down for a bit where we can just to get some rest in.  The night I started writing this, amazing enough the little missy slept for something like 6 hours and the next night is was around 5 hours.  Really???  We were sooo excited, did she turn the corner and would now be sleeping a little more?  Ummm, wishful thinking for sure as that quickly went down to averaging maybe 2 hours straight and that is it.  I swear she likes to have all the control, especially over me.  On a number of occasions, I would put her down to bed then stay up for about a half hour and I swear as soon as I got myself ready to jump into bed, she would wake up....ahhhhh, lol.
Wide awake at midnight...all fun & games in her little world

Aunty Ashlee was in town for a week which meant lots of time to be spent together for those two.  I was sooo happy Ashlee got to spend sometime with Jade as I know it kills Ashlee and I that she isn't here to see Jade every week.  Ashlee has been and will always be a huge part of my life; someone I have always been proud to call my sister, mentor and best friend so it's tough not having her here.  however, we know she is doing a huge thing doing her residency in Edmonton (just living there is a sacrifice in itself) and are sooooo flipping proud of her.....Dr Dobbe (Dr Aunty Ashlee) :).

Jade also got to meet a very good friend of ours Tasha and her little gal, whom she took quite a liking to.  We also got out with Aunty Sandra and Tyrone, and another visit with Aunty Laine.  Jade also welcomed the guests for our final UFC event in our before we move

It is utterly amazing how much babies develop in such a short amount of time.  Several people have been saying how Jade is like a little person now, that there is so much more to her than the last time they saw her.  She is now grabbing at things, rolling over like I mentioned, constantly talking away, and of course slobbering allllll over the place.  She has Sophie to gnaw on, well two Sophies I should say.  That would be because I killed the squeaky thing in the first one when I was sanitizing it after it spent sometime on the floor of a restaurant.  Heaven forbid Jade not have the best, lol, so my mom (grandma) tended to that and bought her a new one.  It's quite awesome I must say, Jade has Sophie and Jerry to tote around with her....her two little giraffes.

The little stinker has also started playing in what several people refer to as "the circle of neglect".  I think she likes to just sit and watch was is going on around her rather than actually play but it occupies her for a few minutes no matter what she is doing.  I guess the other latest and greatest baby product is the Bumbo.  My mom and I are sitting at her place one day when we get a call from my dad.  He was phoning to tell us that Jade needed a Bumbo as the ladies at work said so.  Ten minutes later he calls back asking if we were going to get one or he should go get it because if you spent a certain amount at Babies R Us, you got a free Sophie.  I never thought my dad would be calling us to tell us what Jade needed but I guess it really should not have surprised me.  I have said it before and will say it again, Jade has definitely stolen my dads heart.  I loved it when he opened his birthday presents.  Quietly moving along, opening the presents and the cards until he came across an extra card and a huge smile came across his face...."Ohhhh, a card from Jade too".  LOVE IT!!!!  I don't even need to really talk about my mom and Jade.  They are like two peas in a pod.  It's indescribable what it is like to see Jade's face light up with a huge smile whenever she sees grandma or hears her voice. I think Jade's favourite person to change her has to be grandma.  She is the one who takes the risk of leaving the diaper off and lets Jade go to town in her birthday suit and kick up a storm.

Jade is also responding to the wookie call of her daddy and uncle Tim.  Ted will sometimes wookie into the phone when he calls home from work and Jade looks around with a huge smile on her face; you just know she knows who it is.  When daddy and uncle do it together Jade seems a little confused at first but then loves it.  We definitely have a little princess on our hands who wants complete and total control, lol.  Everytime Ted comes to give me a kiss goodbye, goodnight or whatever, Jade will stick her hand up to his face and push at him, lol.  One of Jade's favourite things is flying with daddy...although, not too sure if you can really call it flying or it is more just going up with some robotic noises and movements.  Whatever it is, the two of them have a great time with each other doing it....of course it is all fun and games until the drool gets into the eyes.

Last weekend Jade got to be a part of the opening of B.C. Place when we went to the Lions Game.  Of course, she was the major attraction and we had people coming over from other sections to tell us how cute she was.  Yep, I am bragging, sorry.  What a great game and great experience to be able to look back on and say we were there.  Two days later, Jade got to see her first soccer game when we took her to our first Whitecaps game of the season.  Though the game was the pits, the atmosphere was great. 

This past month also was time for her shots....well we were a little late but she got them done nonetheless.  Thankfully Jade was not quite so sinister this time as she did not laugh at the crying babies.  The poke was hard on her but of course she was all smiles by the time we left the center 15 minutes later. Unlike the last time, the next couple of days were not quite so nice to poor Jade.  The day after she had a little bit of a fever and the following day nothing was staying in her...poor girl had a very nasty case of the runs and was unable to settle.  As Ted said "we can now say we have experienced a sick baby".  Must say, she was quite the trooper and through it all still tried to smile as much as she could but clearly was not herself.  Will never know if it was because of the shots or not but not something I would wish on any little baby.

Alrighty, so I am clearly all over the place here and just babbling along so maybe I should think about bringing this blog post to a bitter end.  For all those wondering, we Finally sold our place; albeit for not even close to the asking price but the stress of not knowing is gone at least & we can live in a place that looks like a baby lives here too.  We have the bumbo, the swing, the lying down toy, stuffed animals...ahhh, I love it.  I swear we are cursed in the real-estate and I hope we do not have to deal with it again anytime soon.  Ted is still enjoying his full time job at Tom Lee and continues with his couple of classes.  I am kept busy with our non sleeping angel & trying to be the dutiful housewife but no doubt not always the greatest at that part.  I spend most of my days at my parents which helps me stay on track and also gets Jade and I out and about.  Furthermore, it lets me help out with my mom's work where possible and reacquaint myself with my old hood.   

October 10th marked 5 months for Jade and 2 yrs of marriage for us.  We did our own special thing at home....ordered in pizza, watched a show and had pumpkin pie blizzards; but will go out for a nice dinner and maybe a night away in the near future.  We've had an eventful two years of marriage but it's two years I wouldn't trade for anything.