There certainly is not a whole lot to ramble on about this past month; though it has been busy, it has been fairly that statement makes a whole lot of sense eh?
Well we did not receive a callback for the commercial but in the end it was not too surprising. We figure Jade was too young and too small so we will just sit back and see if another opportunity might rear its purty face.
Jade and I have been to a few of swim classes now and they are going well. The class begins with some sing songs, followed by some little activities like going through a tunnel or jumping off the mat then a couple songs to end the time in the pool before a little dip in the hot tub. Jade is so curious about what is going on around her, constantly looking around that I think it distracts her from actually knowing she is in the pool...that is until we dunk under the water. I must admit it was quite cute, after the first time we did that, Jade popped up with a shocked look on her face the shook her head like she was cold before going back to curiously looking around the pool. Overall though she seems to enjoy it and of course, flirts with the some fluke, we always seem to end up so she gets to sit in the middle of the four boys.
We have also gone to a couple of drop in sessions at the library. I will admit that it has taken a few months for me to pop in, but we did it and enjoyed it much more than Mother Goose. We have also been to a couple more Roots of Empathy and Jade continues to put on a little show for all the kids. She laughs for them, rolls around, chatters and plays with the toys they give her to play with. The half hour we spend there flies by and by the end of it, not one person in the room hasn't smiled. Jade also partook in a study in which they were studying her brain waves in reaction to pictures of Ted, myself then random people. The little gaffer did really, really well and even got to pick out a toy in the end....she knew exactly what toy she wanted as when I leaned her forward to pick, she immediately lurched forward at the one with the rings.
Tante Mette and Uncle Mike made a visit and we went out to Red Burrito, mmmmmm Red Burrito. Though it is not as good as other taco/burrito places, it is still delicious and I must thank them again for the treat. Jade loves the two of them, especially Uncle Mike...don't know what it is, but this little gal loves her men. It's only a matter of time until Jade has a new friend courtesy of them two :). Speaking of friends, Kenzie popped by with her mom as well which was a nice little play date for Jade. Even nicer was they invited the two of us to the Canucks skills competition which Ted happened to be working at. Jade seemed to have a great time but I think it was more about the amount of people and things happening around her than the actual Canucks. She also had lots of attention from Zoey which was great. Overall, we had a great afternoon....reminded me of years past when Leanne and I went to little Canucks events. It is pretty neat that the two of us grew up from day one together and we have been able to start that with our girls :)
Ohhhh, huge, huge thing....ok, not a milestone or anything but guess who is here....Gerry has returned (a new one). We almost made it through Ashlee's entire visit without her knowing I had lost Gerry but she asked on one of the last days. Thankfully I finally found one and my papa transported him all the way from Montana :). Speaking of my papa, we had a great little visit with him. It is so heartwarming to see how much he adores Jade. Of course, they bought her another cute little outfit to add to the many others.
Poor girl continues to have a bad go in the bowel department so we had to make a trip to the pediatrician....don't worry, I won't continue to talk about this when Jade is older. I swear her term of endearment is pooping on people. Ted and I were off to hockey last week when I got a text from my mom to tell me that she thought Mount St Helen's had already blown but she stood corrected as another explosion occurred. Worse part about this one, we had just bathed her and put her in a brand new white sleeper.....needless to say that sleeper went in the bath with her, lol. The doc figures that the first hard stool caused her some pain to pass and she is now afraid of having a bowel movement. Thus this weekend is going to be tons of fun with double the laxative use to let her know that it doesn't always hurt.....ahhhhh fun times. We also had our first cold of the year, well I guess of Jade's life. Man oh man does this gal not like having her nose wiped, I swear she acts like she is being severely tortured when it happens.
exosaucer is at their place right now and Jade goes absolutely nuts in that thing; jumping around like crazy with her arms flailing every which direction whilst her feet are kicking the toys that have fallen down.
Our little gal has a few new moves to show the world these days. There is what we call the beached whale in which she lies on her stomach with her arms and legs stretched out and raised off the floor. Then there is the hip shuffle in which she likes to be up on all fours and thrust the hips like she is revving up to fly forward; I hear that is a pre-crawling thing but guess only time will tell in our case. The one i love the best is the head tilting where she will randomly tilt her head from side to side or slowly shake her head as though she is saying no. She loves it when grandma responds and nods her head while saying yes. January 30th did mark a milestone in this household as Jade moved forwards instead of just backwards. She can get herself up on all fours but to move forward she does the deadman crawl...the goal for her first time was getting to the stress ball. I admit I yelled and told Ted he needed to get out to the family room ASAP. We have also been getting some new facial expressions as well as vocal exercising when something is taken from her or she doesn't like something we do.
The rascal Rocky did the sweetest thing. For all those who don't know who Rocky is, he is Dexter's cousin, my aunt & Uncle's dog who is notorious for getting into things. Well Jade was in her little "circle of neglect" playing with a wooden spoon which she "dropped" on the ground (something she seems to find quite amusing) and rather than pick it up and run, Rocky picked it up and placed it back on the circle....very cute.
Uncle Tim has left us for at least 3 months and who knows when we will get to see him again. Tim and Rachel hosted a little get together for his buddies the weekend before he left and we debated whether to bring Jade. That afternoon she was a fuss monkey and didn't seem like she would make the greatest company but of course, once the people came, she stole the show as well as their dogs blanket, floor and mommy's love. If she wasn't rolling around on the floor or talking away then she was showing off how she can drink water from my cup....well thinks she can as I think her shirt got most of the water. Most heartwarming though was when they came over for dinner and Jade just couldn't take her eyes off of Tim; she definitely knew something was up and was determined to get his attention as much as he could. Tim's swearing in ceremony was on the 2nd and we went out to New West to be apart of it. Of course, Jade couldn't stay quiet and felt the need to chatter throughout, lol. She also had quite a thing for Rachel's dad who was sitting a few rows behind us; Jade just couldn't take her eyes off him for the longest time, of course with a huge smile on her face the whole time. We are very proud of Tim and will really miss him but now we get to brag about how Jade's uncle Timmy is in the Canadian Air Force :). It is hard to say out of the three of us who is going to miss him more....not sure how Ted is going to survive without his bro to get out his wacky dialogue to, lol. The two of them can be the hugest goofs at times and make Rachel and I question what the heck we have gotten ourselves into....jokingly of course.
Afterwards we parted ways and Oma, Great Aunty Jeanne and Great Uncle Ed came over for a visit. Uncle Ed had yet to meet Jade and of course, him being a male and such a nice guy, Jade took to him like she had known him for years...ok, maybe not years but months. Jade got another instrument to add to her collection, Oma and Opa bought her a ukulele. unfortunately Opa wasn't able to make it as it is a bit of a travel for him but thankfully Skype allows him to interact with Jade. She always brings out a laugh when we skype with him. Jade also got to meet her Great Uncle Rudy and Great Aunt Anthoula for the first time. Anthoula seemed enamoured with Jade and just adored holding her. Unfortunately we could only visit for a short time so will have to go back out shortly.
Speaking of Skype, we also skyped with Britt in Australia....Jade couldn't stop giggling; it must've been the red hair.
I totally forgot that Jade got to experience her first snowfall and thus got to wear her snowsuit Aunty Ashlee got her. Of course, like everything else she wears for the first time, the snowsuit is a tad too big but very cute (can we say bias opinion). Not too sure Jade really even knew what was happening but we can now say she has been in rain, sun, clouds and snow....all the typical Vancouver weather throughout the year. Hopefully we will get to make use of the snowsuit a few more times but that is unlikely to happen around here so maybe we will have to take a wee road trip.
We have decided Jade's current future profession will involve something in the facial region as she has an intense fixation on "clawing" the face, whether it be ones eyes, up their nose or in the mouth. Definitely reminds me to keep her finger nails clipped which is not an easy task now that she would rather be playing with the clippers.
Last weekend Ted got to take his two gals to Rogers Arena to watch as he played a mini hockey tournament with his coworkers. I swear Ted was like a little boy going to Disneyland, it was pretty neat. Jade and I thought it was pretty cool to be sitting in the arena with barely anyone there and of course, sitting that close to the ice was unheard of, lol.
Ted and Jade also had some daddy daughter time well Ashlee and I went to Beauty and The Beast. It was very nice, Jade and I met Ted for some Chronic Taco for dinner before they dropped me off and headed home. No doubt the two of them love their time together, but I have to admit, it might be a little worrisome in the future as the two of them are total goofs, lol.
I would also like to say RIP Drew, you will be missed. My Uncle Drew passed away this week of a brain aneurysm. We wish you luck in all your games and know you will now be sitting front row for all Kansas City Chiefs games.
We enter the 9th month with a huge event, my mom's gala with special guest Sarah McLachlan. Jade doesn't get to partake but I guess she gets the next best thing and that is time with Aunty Ashlee who is in town for the week :)