Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I think one of the most common questions I get, and mostly from those who have not been pregnant, is do you have any weird cravings?

Well I wouldn't say I have any weird cravings, just more intense cravings that don't seem to go away no matter how much of the food I eat. 

So what are those cravings???  Well here are my most common ones...
  • dark chocolate
  • chocolate w/crunch (i.e. Twix, Crunch, Whatchemacallit [which is only in the states], pretzel M& M's)
  • Red Burrito
  • sour dinosaur gummies
  • garlic fries w/lots of vinegar
Nothing weird as you can see, just a variety and not always easy to get.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dating Ultrasound

November 6th, 2010 was probably went reality really hit us that we would be bringing a little one into this world.  We went for our first ultrasound and what an amazing experience that was.  To see this little baby moving around, kickin & a' shakin it's thang was more than we ever expected.  Had to laugh though that with all the movement this little one was doing and inability to lie still, we can already tell that this is one thing that he/she has inherited from Jaime.

The dating showed that on Saturday, Jaime was 11 wks and 6 days along which makes the new due date of May 22nd, 2011...looks like Jaime will have to celebrate her birthday on time this year.  The little one measured in at 52mm for the first measurement.

We have decided not to find out the sex of the baby and wait until the time of delivery to find that out; leave some element of surprise :)

Next appointment is in a month...